How to Stage a Home for Resale


If you’re looking to sell your house quickly and for the best price possible, staging it is a must. By following these tips, you can make your home look its best and attract more buyers.

Things to Do When Staging a House for Resale

  • Remove personal items – buyers need to be able to see themselves living in the house, and that’s difficult to do when your family photos and personal belongings are everywhere. Put away anything that is overly personal or could be seen as controversial.
  • Furnish empty rooms – if you have any empty rooms, consider furnishing them. This will give buyers a better sense of how the space can be used.
  • Declutter – get rid of anything that you don’t need or use. This will make the house look more spacious and inviting.
  • Repair any damage – fix any cracks, holes, or other damage in the walls, floors, or ceilings.
  • Paint – a fresh coat of paint can go a long way in making a house look more appealing.
  • Add curb appeal – make sure the outside of your house looks just as good as the inside. This includes mowing the lawn, trimming the hedges, and planting flowers.
  • Rearrange furniture to make a space feel more open
  • Paint your walls in light colors for a clean look
  • Add fresh flowers or plants to give the room an inviting atmosphere
  • Install new lighting fixtures that match your style
  • Remove personal items like family photos and mementos
  • De-clutter each room by storing away excess items
  • Organize your closets and storage spaces
  • Polish all surfaces, from door handles to faucets
  • Make sure the house smells fresh by regularly cleaning carpets and removing any pet odors
  • Finally, stage the outside of your home by power washing the siding, painting the front door, and adding potted plants to the porch or balcony.

By following these tips, you can make sure your house is in tip-top shape when it goes on the market. Staging will make it more appealing to buyers and help you sell your home faster.



What is staging?

Staging refers to the process of preparing a house for sale. This includes things like decluttering, repairing damage, and painting.

Why should I stage my house?

By staging your house, you can make it more appealing to buyers and help sell it faster.

How do I stage my house?

There are a few different ways to stage a house. Some common methods include removing personal items, decluttering, and repairing any damage.

How much does it cost to stage a house?

The cost of staging a house varies depending on the extent of work that needs to be done. However, it is generally a good investment as it can help you sell your house faster.

When should I stage my house?

Ideally, you should stage your house before putting it on the market. This will give you the best chance of selling it quickly and for the best price possible.

How long does staging take?

The amount of time it takes to stage a house depends on the amount of work that needs to be done. In general, it takes a few days to a week to complete the process.

What are some common mistakes people make when staging their house?

Some common mistakes include not decluttering enough, failing to repair the damage, and not adding curb appeal.

What are some other benefits of staging a house?

In addition to helping you sell your house faster, staging can also help you get a higher price for your home.

How do I know if my home is ready for staging?

If you’re not sure whether your house is ready for staging, you can always ask a professional for their opinion.

Are there any risks associated with staging my house?

No, there are no risks associated with staging your house. In fact, it’s generally seen as a good investment as it can help you sell your home faster and for a higher price.

What if I can’t afford to stage my house?

If you can’t afford to stage your house, there are a few things you can do to prepare it for sale. You can declutter, repair any damage, and paint the walls. These tasks will help make your house more appealing to buyers without breaking the bank.

Can I stage my house myself?

Yes, you can stage your house yourself. However, it’s important to do some research first to make sure you’re doing it correctly. You can also hire a professional stager to do it for you.

How long does staging last?

The length of time staging lasts depends on the buyer. Once the house is sold, the new owner can choose to keep the staging or remove it.

What are some common items that are used for staging?

Some common staging items include furniture, plants, and light fixtures.

Where can I find more information on staging my house?

If you need more information on staging your house, you can check out some books or online resources. You can also ask Joe the REALTOR® for help.

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How do Buyers Agents Get paid in Real Estate?

how do buyers agents get paid in real estate

When you are buying a house, the biggest question on your mind is probably “how much will this cost me?” But another big question to ask is “how do buyers agents get paid?” It’s important to know this because it can affect how much money you end up spending on your home and how real estate agents work. In this blog post, we will discuss how real estate agents are paid and answer some common questions about the process.

How do buyers agents get paid

When you’re ready to buy a home, you’ll likely work with a real estate agent to help you find the right property and negotiate the purchase price. You may be wondering how do buyers’ agents in real estate get paid? In most cases, the home seller pays the commission for both the buyer’s and seller’s agents.

The commission is typically a percentage of the final purchase price and is split between the two agents involved in the transaction. They typically split the commission. The buyer’s agent will then give a portion of their commission to their brokerage firm, and the remainder will go to the individual agent. Some buyer’s agents may charge a flat fee instead of taking a commission, so it’s important to ask about their fee structure upfront. Ultimately, working with a buyer’s agent is free to you as the buyer, since their commission is paid by the seller.


What are the different types of commissions that can be earned as a buyer’s agent

As a buyer’s agent, you have the potential to earn several different types of commissions. The most common type of commission is the standard 2.5%-%3 commission that is earned on the sale price of the home. However, you may also be able to earn a bonus commission if you can negotiate a higher sales price for the home.

As a buyer’s agent, you have the opportunity to earn a commission on the sale of a property. The amount of the commission will vary depending on the type of property and the sale price. For example, if you sell a house for $200,000, you may earn a 2.5% commission, which would come to $5,000. If you sell a condominium for $250,000, you may earn a 3% commission, which would come to $7,500. In addition to the commission, you may also be eligible for other incentives, such as bonuses. You should check with the listing broker or listing agent to get a full understanding of how commissions work.

If you are licensed, there is also the potential to earn referral fees if you can refer clients to other real estate professionals. By understanding all of the different types of commissions that are available, you can maximize your earnings as a buyer’s agent.


What does the commission rate mean, and what are some of the factors that influence this rate

The commission rate is the percentage of a sale that is given to the salesperson as compensation. This rate can be influenced by several factors, including the type of product being sold, the price of the product, the company’s policy, and the salesperson’s experience. In general, products with a higher price tag tend to have a higher commission rate, as do items that are considered luxury items. Commission rates also tend to be higher for experienced salespeople. Companies will sometimes offer a higher commission rate as an incentive for new employees, or during periods when they are trying to increase sales. Understanding the commission rate is essential for anyone who works in sales, or who is considering a career in sales. By knowing how this rate is calculated, you can negotiate a higher rate if necessary, and you can also be aware of the factors that may influence your earnings.


How does the commission get paid out, and when does this happen

The real estate commission is typically paid out to the buyer’s agent at the close of escrow, which is when the sale of the property is finalized. The commission is usually a percentage of the total sale price, and it is divided between the buyer’s and seller’s agents. In most cases, the buyer’s agent will receive a higher percentage than the seller’s agent.

The payout schedule can vary depending on the agreement between the agents and their brokerages. In some cases, the commission may be paid out in installments, with a portion being paid at close of escrow and the remainder being paid after the property has closed. In other cases, the entire commission may be paid out at the close of escrow. And in some



Now that you know how buyer agents get paid, you may be wondering if it’s worth working with one. The answer is yes! A buyer’s agent can save you a lot of time and money by helping you find the right property, negotiating the best price, and guiding you through the entire home buying process. If you’re looking to purchase a home, be sure to work with a qualified buyer’s agent who can help you every step of the way.


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How to Maintain a Vacant House

Maintaining a vacant house can be a challenge. There are many things to keep in mind when trying to make sure it stays in good condition. From keeping the property secure, to preventing water damage, this blog post will provide you with all the information you need to know about maintaining a vacant house!

1. Inspect the vacant property for any damage that may have been caused by weather or vandalism 

If you notice any damage, it is important to make repairs as soon as possible. This will help to prevent further damage from occurring, and will also make the property more presentable if you are trying to sell or rent it.

Some of the most common types of damage that can occur to a vacant house include:

  • Water damage
  • Mold and mildew growth
  • Pest infestation
  • Vandalism or graffiti

If you notice any of these types of damage, it is important to take care of them right away. Depending on the severity, you may be able to make repairs yourself, or you may need to hire a professional.

If the damage is extensive, it may be necessary to temporarily move into the vacant house in order to make repairs. This can be a challenge, but it is important to do what is necessary to protect your investment.

In some cases, it may also be necessary to contact your insurance company. They may be able to help you with the cost of repairs, or they may have other resources that you can use.

Once the repairs have been made, it is important to take steps to prevent future damage. This may include weatherproofing the house, installing security cameras, or adding an alarm system.


2. Change the locks on all entrances 

It is important to change the locks on a vacant house for two reasons:

  1. To prevent trespassers from entering the house
  2. To ensure that only authorized people have access to the house

If you are trying to sell or rent the property, it is especially important to change the locks. This will give potential buyers or tenants peace of mind, and will also help to secure the property.

If you are not sure how to change the locks, you can hire a professional locksmith to protect your home. They will be able to change the locks quickly and efficiently, and they will also be able to advise you on the best type of lock to use for your particular situation. You can give the keys with a trusted person.

Once the locks have been changed, it is important to keep a record of who has keys to the unoccupied property. This will help you to keep track of who should have access to the property and will also help you to identify any unauthorized people who may have entered the house.

3. Clean the property from top to bottom, including windows and doors, floors, walls, and ceilings 

A clean house is a well-maintained house. It is important to clean the property on a regular basis, even if it is vacant. This will help to prevent dirt and dust from building up, and will also make the house more presentable if you are trying to sell or rent it.

Some of the things that you should clean on a regular basis include:

  • Windows
  • Floors
  • Walls
  • Ceilings
  • Doors and door frames
  • Light fixtures
  • Appliances
  • Furniture

If you are not able to clean the house yourself, you can hire a professional cleaning company. They will be able to do a thorough job, and they will also be able to advise you on how often the house should be cleaned.


4. Remove all furniture and personal belongings 

If you are trying to sell or rent the property, it is important to remove all furniture and personal belongings from the house. This will make it easier for potential buyers or tenants to imagine themselves living in the house, and will also help to prevent damage from occurring.

If you are not able to remove all of the furniture and personal belongings yourself, you can hire a professional moving company. They will be able to do it quickly and efficiently, and they will also be able to advise you on how to best prepare the house for sale or rent.


5. Patch up any holes in the walls or ceilings 

 Holes in the walls or ceilings can result from water damage, pests, or other causes. They can also be a safety hazard, so it is important to patch them up as soon as possible.

If you are not able to patch the holes yourself, you can hire a professional contractor. They will be able to do it quickly and efficiently, and they will also be able to advise you on how to prevent future damage.


6. Install a security system 

 A security system can help to deter burglars and other trespassers, and can also help to protect the property from damage. If you are not sure how to install a security system, you can hire a professional company. They will be able to do it quickly and efficiently, and they will also be able to advise you on the best type of system to use for your particular situation. If left unoccupied, a good idea is to buy a motion sensor and place it in your empty home. Motion detector lights should also be considered. This type of home security is important while the home is vacant.


7. Mow the lawn and trim the bushes/hedges 

 Keeping the lawn mowed and the bushes and hedges trimmed will help to make the property look more presentable and will also help to deter trespassers and give you a better chance to sell your home. If you are not able to do it yourself, you can hire a professional landscaping company. They will be able to do it quickly and efficiently, and they will also be able to advise you on how to best maintain the property.


8. Keep an eye on the property regularly to make sure it remains secure and in good condition 

You should try to check on the property at least once a week, if not more often. House sitting is an important part of the home sales process if the property is vacant. This will help you to identify any potential problems quickly and will also allow you to take action to prevent them from becoming worse.

If you are not able to check on the property yourself, you can hire a professional company. They will be able to do it quickly and efficiently, and they will also be able to advise you on how to best maintain the property.


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If you are interested in learning more about how to maintain a vacant house or other topics related to homeownership or property management, please join our newsletter. We will send you periodic emails with tips, ideas, and advice on how to keep your property in the best shape possible.

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How to Sell Your House in Lenexa Kansas

If you are looking to sell your house in Lenexa Kansas, it is important to understand the entire process. From start to finish, many steps need to be followed to get your house on the market and sold quickly. In this blog post, we will walk you through all of the steps so that you know what to expect every step of the way. Lenexa Kansas is a great place to live, so getting the best price for your house is essential. Let’s get started!


Step 1 – The first step is to contact a real estate agent to help you sell your home.

This is someone who will help you list your house and get it sold as stress free as possible. They will also be able to give you an idea of what your house is worth and how long it might take to sell.

How do I find a good real estate agent?

The best way to find a good real estate agent is by asking for recommendations from friends or family. You can also look online for reviews. Once you have found a few agents, interview them to see if they are a good fit for you.

What should I look for in the best real estate agent?

The best real estate agent will have experience selling houses in Lenexa Kansas. They should also be familiar with the area and know what buyers are looking for. Finally, they should be someone you feel comfortable working with and understands things like: closing costs, cash offers, home buying, the selling process, real estate solutions, and more.

Once you have found a good real estate agent, the next step is to get your house ready to sell. This means decluttering, deep cleaning, and making any necessary repairs. Your real estate agent will be able to give you tips on how to best prepare your house for sale.


Step 2 – The next step is to list your house.

This is when your real estate agent will put your house on the market and start marketing it to potential buyers.

Where do I list my house?

Your real estate agent will list your house on the Multiple Listing Service (MLS).

What is the MLS?

The MLS is a database of all homes for sale in a given area. Real estate agents use the MLS to find houses for their buyers and to market their own listings.

How do I know what price to list my house at?

Your real estate agent will help you determine what price to list your house at. They will look at comparable homes in the area that have recently sold and use that information to come up with a suggested listing price.

What happens after I list my house?

Once your house is listed, buyers will start looking at it online and may schedule showings. Showings are when potential buyers come to see your house in person. Your real estate agent will coordinate all of the showings for you.

This is when potential buyers come to look at your house and decide if they want to make an offer. Once you have a few offers, it is time to negotiate and choose the best one.

Step 3 – The final step is closing the deal and getting your money!

This is when the buyer officially buys your house and you sign over the deed. This is usually done at a closing where all of the paperwork for the sale is finalized.

Where is the paperwork done?

The paperwork is usually done at a title company or attorney’s office.

What do I need to bring to the closing?

You will need to bring a photo ID and any other documents that are required by your state.

When do I get my money from the sale?

You will usually get your money within a few days after the closing.

Your real estate agent will be able to help you with this process and make sure that everything goes smoothly. Congratulations, you have now successfully sold your house in Lenexa Kansas.

Once this is done, you will get a check for the sale of your house. And that’s it! You have successfully sold your house in Lenexa Kansas.

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How Much Do Real Estate Agents Make in Kansas City?

There is no one answer to the question, “How much do real estate agents make in Kansas City?” That’s because it varies greatly depending on how successful you are, your years of experience, and such. However, there are some general guidelines that we can give you as an agent in Kansas city mo or ks. Many real estate agents in Kansas City earn between $30,000 and $100,000 per year. Of course, there are always those who earn more and those who earn less. It depends on how hard you work and how good of a negotiator you are. If you’re interested in becoming a real estate agent in Kansas City, then this blog post is for you! We’ll tell you how much money you can expect to make as a real estate agent in Kansas City.


Commission Earning Potential

The first thing you need to know is that real estate sales paid on commission. This means that your earnings will be based on the deals that you close. The more deals you close, the more money you’ll make. It’s also important to note that real estate agents in Kansas City typically work for themselves. This means that you’ll need to have a good amount of self-motivation and discipline if you want to be successful.


How Motivated are You?

So, how much money can you make as a real estate agent in Kansas City? It depends on how motivated you are and how successful you are. However, a year in Kansas City can earn between $30,000 and $100,000 per year. Keep in mind that these numbers can vary greatly depending on your level of success. If you’re motivated to succeed and have the skills necessary to be a successful negotiator, then you could make more than $100,000 per year. However, if you’re just starting and aren’t as motivated or skilled, then you may not make anything per year.

The best way to determine how much money you can make as a real estate agent in Kansas City is to look at your situation. How motivated are you? What skills do you have? If you have the drive to succeed and the skills necessary to be a successful negotiator, then you could make a lot of money as a real estate agent in Kansas City. However, if you’re just starting and don’t have much experience, then you may only earn $0 – $30,000 per year. Only you can determine how successful you’ll be as a real estate agent in Kansas City.


You can make a great living as a real estate agent in Kansas City

The sky is the limit as a licensed agent! However, you need to be motivated and have the skills necessary to be successful. If you have what it takes, then you can make a lot of money as a real estate agent in Kansas City. You only get out what you put into it. You might find yourself waiting for leads to come in. That’s where your grit and creativity come in to get you more business. You can also use your commission to invest in more training and education. Doing so will position you to make even more money as a real estate agent in Kansas City. Just remember, it takes hard work and dedication to be successful in any career.


There are many opportunities to earn more money in this field

If you are looking to get into real estate in the Kansas City Area or nearby in the United States, there is no better time. There are many different ways to use your real estate license that do not involve selling homes. You can be a

  • rental agent
  • property manager
  • real estate appraiser

There are also many opportunities for real estate brokers to open their firms. Each of these positions comes with its own set of opportunities to make more money. The key for the average real estate person is to find the path that interests you and go for it! If you are willing to put in the work, then you can make a great living as a real estate agent in Kansas City.

The sky is the limit when it comes to how much money you can make as a real estate agent in Kansas City. It all depends on how hard you work and how successful you are.


Real Estate Commission Scenario

Here is a look at how much money you can make based on the commission you earn.

If you sell a $100,000 house and your commission is set at five percent, then you will earn $5000.

Now, let’s say that you sell ten houses in one year. If each house is worth an average of $100,000, then you will earn $50,000 in commission.

Keep in mind that these are only examples. Your earnings could be much higher or lower depending on how successful you are, your split percentage with your broker, and how much business you generate.


Are you Ready to Become a Real Estate agent?

If you’re interested in becoming a real estate agent in the Kansas City area, then it’s important to know how much money you can make. The best way to determine this is to look at your situation and how motivated you are. If you have what it takes, then you can make a great living as a real estate agent in Kansas City. Just remember, it takes hard work and dedication to be successful in any career. Are you ready to become a real estate agent?

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Are you looking to get into real estate in the Kansas City Area? If so, then be sure to join our newsletter. We will send you regular updates on how to become a successful real estate agent as well as ways to make more money in this field. You can also find out more information by visiting our website. Thanks for reading!

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10 Tips for New Real Estate Agents

So you’ve decided to become a real estate agent? Congratulations! This is a very exciting and challenging career. Many new real estate agents don’t know where to start, so we’ve put together a list of 10 tips that will help you succeed in this industry. Follow these tips, and you’ll be on your way to becoming a successful real estate agent!

Tip #01: Get Educated

Education is key in any career, and real estate is no exception. You need to be familiar with the industry inside and out, so make sure you get as much education as possible. There are many different ways to educate yourself in real estate, including online courses, seminars, and workshops.


Tip #02: Join a Real Estate Team

One of the best ways to succeed as a new real estate agent is to join an already successful team. There are many benefits to joining a team, including having experienced agents to help you with your transactions, marketing support, and access to resources.


Tip #03: Get Involved in Your Local Realtor® Association

Most new real estate agents are not aware of the many resources that are available to them through their local Realtor® association. Associations offer educational courses, networking opportunities, and access to MLS listings.


Tip #04: Start Marketing Yourself Early

You need to start marketing yourself as soon as you become a real estate agent. Use social media, your website, and other marketing channels to get the word out about your new business.


Tip #05: Get to Know Local Vendors

As a real estate agent, you’ll be working with many different local vendors, such as home inspectors, appraisers, and mortgage lenders. Get to know these vendors and build relationships with them. Think about all the things that go into building a home. They can be:

  • Plumbers
  • Electricians
  • Contractors
  • Mortgage Lenders
  • Flooring Professionals


Tip #06: Stay Organized

As a real estate agent, you’ll be dealing with a lot of paperwork and deadlines. It’s important to stay organized from the very beginning, so you don’t get overwhelmed. Create a system for tracking your transactions, and make sure you always know what’s due when.


Tip #07: Stay in Touch With Your Clients

Once you’ve closed a deal, it’s important to stay in touch with your clients. Send them periodic updates on the market, new listings that may interest them, or just say hello to see how they’re doing. This will help you build a lasting relationship with your clients and could lead to more business in the future.


Tip #08: Join a Networking Group

Networking is one of the best ways to find new leads and grow your business. There are many different networking groups available for real estate agents, so find one that fits your personality and interests. Attend meetings regularly and be prepared to share your business card with everyone you meet.


Tip #09: Use Technology to Your Advantage

Technology has revolutionized the way we do business, and real estate is no exception. Make sure you’re using all of the available technology to your advantage, from online listing services to mobile apps.


Tip #10: Keep Learning

The real estate industry is always changing, so it’s important to keep learning new things. Read industry news, blogs, and books to make sure you’re always up-to-date on the latest changes. This will help you adapt to new situations and be a better real estate agent overall.

We hope you found these tips helpful! If you’re new to the real estate industry, make sure you follow these tips to set yourself up for success. And remember, always keep learning new things so you can stay ahead of the curve. Good luck!

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New Real Estate Agents FAQs


Q: How do I become a real estate agent?

A: The first step is to get your real estate license. Once you have your license, you can start working as an agent.


Q: What are the requirements for getting a real estate license?

A: Each state has different requirements, but generally, you need to be at least 18 years old, have a high school diploma or equivalent, and pass an exam.


Q: What are the benefits of joining a real estate team?

A: Joining a team can help you learn from experienced agents, get access to resources, and build relationships with other professionals in the industry.


Q: What should I do when a client wants to buy or sell a home outside of my area?

A: If you’re not familiar with the market in that area, you can recommend an agent who is. You can also refer your clients to online listing services or other resources that can help them find a real estate agent in their area.


Q: How do I deal with difficult clients?

A: Dealing with difficult clients is a part of being a real estate agent. It’s important to stay professional and calm, even when the client is being unreasonable. Remember, your goal is to help your clients find the perfect home, so try to keep that in mind, even when things get tough.


Q: What should I do if I don’t know the answer to a question?

A: It’s okay not to know the answer to every question. When you don’t know something, just be honest and tell the client that you’ll find out and get back to them. Then make sure you follow through on that promise.


Q: What is the best way to get new leads?

A: The best way to get new leads is by networking and attending industry events. You can also use online listing services or other resources to find potential clients.

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What Does Contingent Mean in Real Estate?

Contingent is used to describe an offer that is dependent on the sale of another property. In other words, the buyer cannot move forward with the purchase until they have sold their current home. This term is often confused with “pending,” but there is a key difference. “Pending” refers to an offer that is currently under contract, while “contingent” describes an offer that is pending approval.

In the world of real estate, there are a lot of terms that can be confusing for newcomers. One such term is “contingent.” This word gets thrown around a lot in the industry, but what does it mean? In this blog post, we will explain what contingent means about real estate and how it differs from other terms like “pending.” Stay tuned for more information!

When you hear the word “contingent,” it might make you think of something that is not certain. In the world of real estate, contingent means that an offer is dependent on another event occurring. For example, a buyer might make a contingent offer on a property. This means that they are willing to purchase the property, but only if their current home sells first. This contingency gives the buyer a bit of protection in case their home does not sell as quickly as they had hoped.


Real Estate Industry Terms

As you can see, there is a big difference between contingent and pending when it comes to real estate. It is important to understand these terms before making an offer on a property. Now that you know the meaning of contingent, stay tuned for more blog posts about other real

If you’re confused about any of the terms in this blog post, be sure to reach out to a real estate professional for clarification. Now that you know what contingent means, stay tuned for more helpful blog posts about real estate! Thanks for reading!


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5 Sales Pitch Samples to Help You Close the Deal

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Crafting a successful sales pitch can be a challenge. It’s hard to know where to start, what to say, and how to convince someone that your house is the best one for them. That’s why it’s important to have a good real estate sales pitch ready to go. In this blog post, we will give you five different real estate sales pitch samples that you can use to help close the deal! A good sales pitch addresses pain points. Please note, it is important to stay away from ‘steering’ when making a sales pitch. Here is a link from the NAR to help explain what that is and why it is important. 

1). Sales Pitch about House Location

The first real estate sales pitch sample is all about location. If you’re selling a house that’s in a great location, make sure to mention that in your pitch. Talk about how the house is close to schools, parks, and other amenities that would be important to potential buyers.

Here is an example of a sales pitch about location.

“This house has access to some great nearby amenities. It’s in a great location, close to schools and parks.”

2). Sales Pitch about House Condition

The second real estate sales pitch sample is all about the condition of the house. This will help solve a problem people may have about value. If your house is in great condition, be sure to mention that in your pitch. Talk about how the house has been well-maintained and how it’s ready for move-in.

Here is an example of a sales pitch about the condition of the house.

“This house is in pristine condition. It’s been well-maintained and is ready for move-in. You won’t have to worry about a thing. This is the perfect house for someone who wants to just move in and start enjoying their new home.”

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3). Sales Pitch about Price

The third real estate sales pitch sample is all about the price. If you’re selling a house that’s priced well, be sure to mention that in your pitch. Potential customers will appreciate you talking about how the house is a great value for the price and how it’s a steal compared to other houses on the market. You opening line should be focused on the benefit to the buyer.

Here is an example of a sales pitch about price.

“This house is a great value for the price. It’s a steal compared to other houses on the market. You won’t find a better deal anywhere else.”


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4). Sales Pitch about House Features

The fourth real estate sales pitch sample is all about the features of the house. If your house has unique features or amenities, be sure to mention that in your pitch. Talk about how the house has a great layout, a pool, or other features that would be appealing to potential buyers.

Here is an example of a sales pitch about the unique features of a house.

“This house has a great layout. The kitchen is perfect for entertaining. The backyard pool is perfect for the summer. You’ll have a tough time finding another house with these features at this price.”

5). Sales Pitch about your Knowledge as a Real Estate Agent

The fifth real estate sales pitch sample is all about you. If you’re an experienced real estate agent, be sure to mention that in your pitch. Talk about how you’re knowledgeable about the market and how you’re ready to help buyers find their perfect home. This knowledge helps build trust with the client.

Here is an example of a sales pitch about knowledgeable you are about the housing market.

“I’m a knowledgeable real estate agent with years of experience. I know the market and I’m ready to help you find your perfect home. I’ll be there every step of the way, from finding the right house to negotiating the best price.”

Never Stop Learning About Real Estate

Selling a house doesn’t have to be difficult. Some people like elevator pitches, others like different methods. With a great sales pitch, you can convince anyone that your house is the best one on the market! Try using one of these real estate sales pitch samples the next time you’re trying to close a deal. Good luck!

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More of Our Helpful Blogs for Real Estate Agents

What Does Pending Mean in Real Estate?

Pending – Pending simply means that an offer has been accepted on a property and the sale is in progress. It’s important to remember that a pending sale is not final until all of the paperwork has been processed and the sale goes through.

There are many real estate industry terms that can be confusing for newcomers to the market. In this blog post, we will define one of the most commonly used terms: “pending.”


Understanding the terminology of real estate is crucial for anyone looking to buy or sell a property

Learning about the real estate industry is an ongoing process. However, if you arm yourself with the right information from the start, you will be in a much better position to navigate the market successfully. You should never stop learning about all the industry terms like ‘pending’ so you know what is going on when people are talking.


Educate yourself on what to expect when buying a property

With the help of a real estate agent, you will be able to guide you through the process and answer any questions you may have about pending sales and other industry terms.

Stay tuned for more posts on common real estate industry terminology. In the meantime, if you want to learn more or have any specific questions, don’t hesitate to reach out to a local real estate agent. They will be more than happy to help you out!

Now that we have answered the question, “what does pending mean in real estate?,” stay tuned for more posts on common real estate industry terminology. In the meantime, if you want to learn more or have any specific questions, don’t hesitate to contact us.


Keep up with popular trends and the latest jargon in the industry

By subscribing to our blog, you will stay up to date with great real estate information. You can also follow us on Twitter and Facebook for more helpful tips!

And don’t forget, if you are looking to buy a property or sell a property , always consult with a local real estate agent. They will be able to help you navigate the market and answer any questions you may have about pending sales and other industry

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How to Sell My Home Without an Agent

Are you considering selling your home on your own? It can be a daunting task, but it can be done! In this blog post, we will give you a few tips on how to sell your home without a real estate agent. Keep in mind that there are many ways to go about doing this – you don’t have to follow our advice exactly. We just want to give you a few general pointers to help get you started. So, let’s get started!

First, you’ll need to decide if selling your home on your own is the right option for you. 

There are a few things to consider:

  • Are you comfortable handling all of the paperwork and negotiations yourself?
  • Can you afford to hire a lawyer to help with the sale? (You may want to consult with one even if you’re not selling on your own, to make sure you’re getting the best deal possible)
  • Can you afford to pay for advertising and other marketing materials?
  • Are you comfortable being responsible for finding a buyer yourself?

If you answered “no” to any of these questions, then it may be wiser to go with a real estate agent. However, if you’re comfortable taking on these responsibilities, then selling your home without a real estate agent may be the right choice for you.

Here are a few tips to help you get started:

Step 1) Make sure your home is in tip-top shape before putting it on the market. This means repairing any damage, fixing any broken appliances or fixtures, and cleaning upholstery and carpets. You may also want to consider staging your home – this means arranging your furniture in a way that makes it look more appealing to buyers.


Step 2) – You’ll need to create some marketing materials. This includes a for-sale sign, flyers, an online listing (if you’re selling online), and anything else you can think of to help market your home.


Step 3) – Start spreading the word that your home is for sale! You can do this by passing out flyers in your neighborhood, telling friends and family, and posting about it on social media.


Step 4) Once you start receiving interest from potential buyers, it’s time to start negotiating. This is where things can get tricky – you’ll need to be firm but fair in your negotiations. If you’re not sure how to do this, you may want to consider hiring a lawyer or real estate agent to help with this step.


Step5) Once you’ve reached an agreement with the buyer, it’s time to sign the paperwork and finalize the sale! Congratulations – you’ve successfully sold your home without a real estate agent.

We hope this blog post has helped give you some insight into how to sell my home without a real estate agent. Remember, there are many different ways to go about doing this – so take your time, do your research, and choose the option that’s best for you. Good luck!

If you need some help, contact us today!

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